
Emails to nurture prospective members

They toured. They visited. But they haven't joined. Yet!

Email is one way to stay top of mind with prospects, gently reminding them why they should be part of your community.

We wrote a sequence for you to download and customize for your own operation.

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email sequences for prospective coworking space members

Why should you nurture prospective members for your coworking space?

You know why it's so important and helpful to be part of a coworking community. But not everyone knows all the reasons. We all need to be reminded, even when it's a big decision. Anyone who might be ready to join a coworking space has to weigh the benefits versus the cost. Particularly entrepreneurs and freelancers, who need to be mindful of every dollar they spend.

Just because a prospect had an amazing tour doesn't mean they will be ready to convert immediately. That's why you stay in touch, and gently remind them of how amazing your space is and what you offer.

Use automation to stay top of mind and grow your community

Email sequences are effective because you don't have time to send email after email to each person who might fill out of a form or stop by. Instead, you use an email marketing tool such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or HubSpot, and outline the emails you want to send, decide how frequently they'll go out, and then enroll prospects in the sequence. 

Yes, it's a set it and forget it automation, but that doesn't mean it has to be impersonal. Use personalization tokens and share pecifics about your coworking space in eah email to ensure the recipient is compelled and feels seen. This guide does all that work for you!


They didn’t have to say nice things, but we’re glad they did.

“Coworks has been a game changer for the coworking space I manage.”

“This saves us so much time! We literally get people to join the app while they are sitting with us at orientation and we walk through it with them.”

“Having Coworks is like an extra team member. It reduces our overhead and admin time.”

“The analytics and dashboard are where Coworks sets themselves apart from other platforms we looked at.”

“I wanted something seamless and that would scale. I asked other coworking space founders, and I was introduced to Coworks!"

We’re especially proud to serve these cool coworking and hybrid spaces