
Where is the smartest location?
What is the strongest model?
Who are your target members?

Landlords, property owners, and prospective operators should make decisions about a coworking and flex office business based on what the data says, not what your gut says. That’s where DenSwap comes in.

What goes into a feasibility report? What do you need to start and what will you get from it? And how can you be an entrepreneurial landlord?

DenSwap CoFounder Craig Baute will walk Phil Vanderwoude, COO of Coworks, through the journey in these three, power-packed conversations.

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3 episodes of coworking feasibility webinar

Discover what the data means with a coworking feasibility study

Coworks COO Phil Vanderwoude asks all the questions everyone wants to know about feasibility: what does it mean? What data does it look at? How can prospective owners, operators, and landlords make use of it?

Episode 1: How Do I get Started?

For CRE to think about flex, it requires a shift: from B2B to B2C. Find out what the data will tell you about an area’s appetite for coworking, whether you own a building or are an entrepreneurial investor. Join Coworks COO Phil Vanderwoude and Denswap CoFounder Craig Baute to explore why a coworking feasibility study starts with a shift in perspective.

Episode 2: How Do I Know What the Market Wants?

What does a specific market want? What coworking model, what amenities, and what price point will work for your area? Join Coworks COO Phil Vanderwoude and Denswap CoFounder Craig Baute to see the data that a coworking feasibility study delivers: and why it gives CRE folks the comfort and confidence to make good decisions.

Episode 3: How Do I Calculate My ROI?

Once you have validated your market and your model with feasibility data, when will you start making money? What upfront costs are you looking at? Join Coworks COO Phil Vanderwoude and Denswap CoFounder Craig Baute to explore how the feasibility study helps landlords and investors map out their road to ROI.